Urgency & Safety

Utilise scenario's during practical training:

Urgency Example 1) 

A member of your crew has been suffering with seasickness for the past 4 days and is now getting much worse. You’re no longer sure what to do so want to seek Medical Advice. 

Your position: 52° 27'.68N  002° 03’.59W 

Initiate a DSC urgency alert. Send an urgency message by voice.


Urgency Example 2) 

You have identified a leak through your lifting keel casing, the bilge pump is currently managing the influx of water. 

Initiate a DSC urgency alert. Send an urgency message by voice. 


Urgency Example 3)

You’re having engine problems on your vessel and it now won’t re-start, you have laid your anchor but have no means of returning to the marina. 

Your location: 52º 28'.11N   004º 14'. 68W

Initiate a DSC urgency alert. Send an urgency message by voice.


Safety Example 1)

You have seen a 20 foot cargo container floating in the following location:

40º 36'.31N   013º 32'. 42W

Initiate a DSC safety alert. Send a safety message by voice on an appropriate channel. 


Safety Example 2) 

You have identified a large trawler net marked with buoys but no lights shortly before dusk in the following location:

49° 27'.68N  000° 03'.59W 

Initiate a DSC safety alert. Send a safety message by voice on an appropriate channel. 


Safety Example 3) 

You have spotted a partially submerged buoy free floating in the following location:

50º 21'.31N   003º 18'. 42W

Initiate a DSC safety alert. Send a safety message by voice on an appropriate channel. 

PIPDANIO - a way to remember what to include in an Urgency call:



Identity of who you are calling & of your vessel


Distress type

Assistance required

Number of people onboard

