Having signed up for the TiC course with the RYA you will either be completing or have completed your online TiC course you may now be preparing for your
TiC classroom course... here are some ideas on how to prepare from an TiC course Trainer.
You will be asked to prepare and be ready to deliver two 10-15 minute lessons including lesson plans prior to your classroom course.
You will be given individual lesson outlines by the RYA, these will include the terms: Knowledge Of, Undertands and Can.
In order for you to pitch the individual sections of the lesson to the right level, it is important you understand what the RYA expect from these as they will dictate how long you spend on each
section of your lesson:
KNOWLEDGE OF the subject: The subject will be briefly explained.
Familiarisation during the lesson/course and information on where to find out more will be given. In other words this is
a short & concise overview of the subject
UNDERSTANDS the subject: The subject will be covered in greater depth.
Your student should be asked to demonstrate a basic understanding and go away from the course able to develop further their own skill in this area. Confirmation of their understanding of the
subject may be achieved in a number of ways during the lesson/course. In other words you need to
put in more content & ensure you take the time to check understanding via an activity or open questions
CAN demonstrate a level of proficiency in the subject: The subject
will be covered in greater depth, including background theory, practical demonstrations by the instructor and repeated practice by the student until they can demonstrate good skills in the
subject. In other words you need to demonstrate how to do an activity and ensure your students can do it too..
Making your lesson interesting, dynamic and interactive is key. If your students are sat looking at a powerpoint for 15mins they will lose inspiration and interest very quickly. Consider the
You: As intimidating as this may sound, you are the central focus of your lesson. Try to be conscious of and ditch all your distracting habits (pen
clicking being a favourite for new & experienced instructor alike), ensure you speak clearly and slowly (though not to slowly!) write/draw clearly if you're using the whiteboard..
consider sitting (as long as you can be seen by everyone) so that you are at the same eye level as your students as this presents a much more relaxed and less intimidating environment. Try
not to stand over your student/s, when you're teaching anything 1:1 pull up a chair rather than perching on a desk or standing over them.
PowerPoint: Minimise Text Content, Use animations, videos, pictures. Get hold of a powerpoint remote rather than controlling it from your computer/tablet.
Teaching Aids: Models, Examples, Dummy products, use of teaching tools such as VHF training sets, CPR manikins, first aid equipment, charts, almanacs, engine parts etc.
Flash Cards: Integrate flash cards into your lesson as a learning tool and/or to check understanding.
Demonstrations & Examples: Where possible (& safe) show real life examples that have context to your lesson.
Activities & Scenarios: Get your students involved, where possible let them have 'a go' at whatever the subject is you are delivering, they don't just want to be told
about it or watch you do it, they will always want to have a go. Make sure everyone is involved and no-one is 'left out'... Set up 'scenarios' that they can follow and take part in.
Games: No one is too old to play a game! Remember if your student is having fun they are more likely to learn!
Whiteboard: Ensure you writing / drawings are clear, practice before you run your lesson..
Classroom: This is your domain.. where possible move it, change it, adjust it to suit your needs and the best layout for your students learning.. Consider their comfort,
ability to get involved, feel included and beable to clearly see you, what you're doing and any visual aids you're using to each.