Teaching Towing on the PWC course:

Session: Set up & perform at tow

Key Points: 

  • 6m high visibility floating line
  • Knots: Round turn & 2 half hitches + bowline
  • Speed of tow
  • Salvage rights


  • Ensure tow line is fed out to stop ingress into grate
  • Gradual decrease of speed to finish tow to stop PW's colliding
  • Ensure line is not wrapped around hands / feet BEFORE starting tow
  • Good crew / helm communications

If the area you're using is safe and your students are both reasonably competent and engaged consider running two tows concurrently to make the best use of time. 


Student PWC 1, tows Student PWC 2, meanwhile Student PWC 3 tows the instructors PWC. 

If you choose to do this ensure you pay close attention to the other pair of PWC from both a safety perspective but also so you can offer them valuable feedback after the session.