Low Speed powerboat handling & familiarisation


KEY TEACHING POINTS: 1 hand gear, 1 hand steering wheel

Area: Large open space clear of hazards 


Starting: Killcord, Pre-start checks, Starting procedure

Gears: Practice smooth gear change, Forward, Neutral, Reverse

Ahead: Engage forward gear, gradual slow speed increase from tick over. Practice turning to Port and Starboard, note the fact that turning is most effective when in gear. Awareness of pivot points.

Astern: Look astern when going backwards but also maintain a 360 deg look out, Awareness of risk of flooding. Awareness of pivot points. 

Stopping: Ensure area is clear of other vessels and hazards, Engage Neutral gear, Turn off engine

Session Example:

Instructor to move powerboat into open area clear of hazards. 

  • EXPLAIN: What the activity is, Why it is being done
  • DEMONSTRATE: How to carry out activity (i.e. large Fig 8 course in FWD gear, Engage Neutral, large Fig 8 course in astern)
  • IMITATE: Students to mimick demonstration
  • CORRECTION: Give your students positive feedback & points for improvement
  • TRY AGAIN: Allow your students to have another go to increase their confidence and improve their skills
  • SUMMARY: Emphasise or Q & A session with students to bring out key teaching points
Low Speed Powerboat Handling
© Instructor Resources