Introduction to the powerboat & kit

Introduction to the powerboat:

Image © Carsington Sailing Club
Image © Carsington Sailing Club

Be logical.. start at the front and work your way to the back or vice versa, leave the controls until last.

Point out / show each part & explain use. i.e. 

  • Bow, securing points
  • Anchor locker
  • Console
  • Port / starboard sides, fender points
  • Seating / storage 
  • Bilge pump
  • Engine


  • Battery isolator
  • Killcord 
  • Ignition key
  • Steering wheel / tiller
  • Throttle
  • Engine trim button
  • Dials (i.e. fuel gauge, tacho etc)

RYA Powerboat Level 2 Safety Kit

Suggestion: Get all the safety kit out prior to your students arrival, firstly to check you have all the items & secondly so they are ready to show your students. Don't forget to store them away safely prior to departure. 

RYA Powerboat Checklist Items: Why & When?
Paddles or oars Paddle or steer your craft if engine fails 
Bucket or Bailer Rid your craft of water
Towline If you need to tow or be towed
Throwline To retrieve someone from the water
Tool kit Minor repairs
Survival Bag or TPA (Thermal Protective Aid) Post MOB or when someone is extremely cold
Waterproof first aid kit Quickly sort minor injuries
Anchor and chain or warp Anchoring
Distress flares (2 orange smoke and 2 pinpoint red, or 2 day/night flares) Emergency
Sharp knife, preferably serrated Prop wraps etc
Spare killcord (except heavy displacement craft) Damage to primary or if lose primary
Fire extinguisher 5A/34B  Self explanatory !
VHF fixed or handheld Ship to ship, Ship to shore & emergencies
Radio emergency procedures card How to make a VHF Mayday call
Radar reflector must be carried on vessels fitted with A-frame Be seen by vessels with radar
Efficient fog sound signal So others know where you are in fog
Laminated charts (in date) or map of operating area (inland) So, you know where you are + position fixing in an emergency
Compass - fixed or handheld  So, you know where you are + position fixing in an emergency
Chart plotter or GPS - fixed or handheld So, you know where you are + position fixing in an emergency

Pre start checks & starting:

Pre-start checks

  • Fuel / oil - check levels & hoses are secure
  • Killcord
  • Prop clear of hazards
  • Engine down
  • Prime fuel bulb
  • Equipment stowed


  • Killcord - put killcord around leg, above knee
  • Check the area around the engine is clear
  • Neutral - ensure engine in N
  • Ignition - start engine
  • Gears - ensure throttle engages in F/N/R
  • Tell tale - is water flowing?
  • Steering - ensure steers lock to lock with no issues
  • Killcord - check functionality i.e. does it stop the engine when removed?