Hull Types & Engine Drives

Key Teaching Points:

  • Types of hulls - pros and cons
  • Types of engine drive - pros and cons

Jet drive: 

Able to access shallow water,

Improved shallow water operations, no propellor risks. Positions of engine and drive unit similar to an outdrive. Good weight distribution. 

The intake grill can become clogged with debris. 

HIgher speed before the onset of cavitation, because of the raised internal dynamic pressure.

Shaft Drive:

Engine generally positioned further forward aiding weight distribution. 

Rudder is used to steer the boat using thrust from the propeller. 


Self contained unit, easily removed/serviced. Effective trim and tilt systems. 

Outdrive (Z-drive):

Engine inboard allowing good weight distribution but with the advantages of an outdrive leg, allowing effective trim and tilt systems. The engine is protected and can be serviced whilst the boat is afloat.

Hull types & Engine drives Flash Cards

Set contains illustrations of: 

  • Outboard engine
  • Inboard engine
  • Jet drive engine
  • Outdrive engine
  • Cathedral hull
  • Displacement hull
  • Catamaran jull
  • Vee hull

Number of cards in pack: 8

Size: Postcard

Description: Single sided full colour illustration on high quality card, the perfect teaching resource for powerboat instructors. Reverse of card has blank area for personal / teaching notes & prompts. 


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Cuts through waves, good in rougher conditions. Less internal space.



Excellent stability and load carrying. Less power required due to a smaller surface area in contact with the water. 


Pushes through water, slow, very seaworthy. Good load carriers. Can roll heavily in rougher waters.

Cathedral (dory):

Planes quickly/easily. Slams in waves. Very stable. Good deck area.