The aim of all VHF ProWords is to ensure we can be:
Some of the commonly used VHF Routine ProWords.. there are many more...
Used to identify yourself i.e. "This is RIB Erebus" Where possible follow with you Callsign.
Used when you've finished what you're saying & you are EXPECTING A REPLY.
Used when you've finished what you're saying & you DO NOT EXPECT A REPLY
When you want to check that you can be heard
When you've missed some or all of a message/transmission
When you want to repeat what you've just said
When you're not sure who called you
When you've made a mistake during your transmission and need to fix it !
Poole Quay Boat Haven, Poole Quay Boat Haven, Poole Quay Boat Haven THIS IS RIB Erebus, Erebus, Erebus OVER.
STATION CALLING Poole Quay Boat Haven THIS IS Poole Quay Boat Haven OVER
Poole Quay Boat Haven, THIS IS RIB Erebus, Erebus, Erebus OVER.
RIB Erebus THIS IS Poole Quay Boat Haven, Go ahead, OVER
Poole Quay Boat Haven, THIS IS Erebus, we are a 6 metre RIB looking for a berth allocation for lunch OVER
Erebus THIS IS Poole Quay Boat Haven, WAIT
Erebus THIS IS Poole Quay Boat Haven, please head to berth number GH6, golf hotel six, CORRECTION, berth BH6, I SAY AGAIN berth bravo hotel six OVER
Poole Quay Boat Haven THIS IS Erebus, RECEIVED Many Thanks, OUT
Tethers End, Tethers End, Tethers End, THIS IS Erebus, Erebus, Erebus, RADIO CHECK, OVER
Erebus THIS IS Tethers End, you are loud and clear OVER
Tethers End, THIS IS Erebus, Thank you, OUT